6 Methods to Reduce Litter Box Smell in a Home
June 10, 2019 | Blog, Cat urine odor removal, Home & pets, Uncategorized
Selecting the ideal pet can be a tough decision, from a dog to a cat it can be challenging to identify what type of animal will fit best into your daily life. A cat is typically classified as a pet that requires minimal work and attention, in comparison to the popular and loving dog. Dogs need constant attention and care, as they require walks to go to the bathroom, grooming, and even require boarding when you are gone for long durations of time like going on a trip. Cats, on the other hand, are self-groomers, independent pets that are capable of doing most things on their own such as going to the bathroom.
Most cats are litter box trained by second nature, as it won’t require training to get your cat introduced to and continually using the litter box. Although the litter box is a blessing for both you and your cat, it can also be your worst nightmare when it comes to the odors that are produced from this stinky litter box that can travel throughout your whole home.
In this article we are going to discuss why your cats litter box smells so bad, how often you should change the litter, and most importantly the best methods to eliminating litter box smell in a home for good!
When it comes to a smelly cat litter box, no pet owner wants to smell that aroma, much less permeating throughout their entire home. Often times cats are classified as clean animals that produce little mess or odor, but sometimes when your cat goes to the bathroom in their litter box it can leave behind a litter box smell that is less than pleasant. Litter box odors can be caused by a number of things such as infrequent litter box cleaning, too many cats using one box, or the need to change out the litter within the box.
If your cat litter box starts to smell badly in your home, it will be necessary to examine the box to determine the source of this odor and how you can efficiently remove the odor from your home. Continue reading to learn more about how to get rid of cat pee smell!
This may seem like a given but performing a daily scoop of your cat’s litter box can really help reduce odors that are coming from the litter box and also minimize potential accidents that your cat may have outside of their boxes. It is actually recommended to scoop your cats’ litter twice a day, but if you are busy like most people are, once a day will be about all you can do, and this is okay. When your cat goes to the bathroom in their litter box it will leave clumps of litter in the box that can get in your cats’ way and lead to odors – which is why it is important to frequently scoop this litter.
There is a fine science when it comes to the number of cats in your home and the needed amount of litter boxes that you must have in your indoor space for them to use. The general rule of thumb, as we discussed earlier, is to have one litter box per cat, this will help you to avoid excess smells in the litter box, along with potential fighting that your cats may have to stake claim of the litter box.
It is also important that you have the correct size litter box too. When your cats litter box is too small, it can leave your cat with less room or personal space to do their ‘business’ – which can leave them potentially missing the litter box or having an accident on the side of their litter box which result in a mess both on your floors and smelling in the house.
Why Does My Cat Litter Box Smell So Bad?

How Often to Change Cat Litter
Inside of a home there are a few general rules of thumb that you will want to follow when it comes to litter boxes. The first is that you should have one litter box per cat in your home – this will help eliminate odors and help minimize potential cat accidents that your pet may have outside their litter box. Another rule of thumb is to frequently clean and change out the litter inside these boxes. No cat wants to go to the bathroom in dirty litter, and therefore you will need to change out the litter on a continual basis for your cat. You may be wondering; how often should I change out my cats’ litter? And the answer to this question will be dependent on the number of cats that are using the litter box. Typically, you will want to change out the cat litter twice a week for your cat’s litter box. Changing out the litter in a litter box will help to reduce the odors from this sometimes-smelly area and help to eliminate excess cat dander in the litter box.6 Ways on How to Get Rid of Cat Litter Smell
The removal of cat litter smell inside your home can be accomplished using a variety of different methods, some will be labor intensive, while others will be super easy to implement. However, it may take multiple methods to completely eliminate all traces of cat litter smell throughout your home. If you are trying to expel the smell of cat litter boxes and learn how to get rid of cat urine smell, try going through the list below to reduce the odors from your cat’s litter box.1.) Scoop Litter Daily

2.) Switch Out Litter Boxes
The more your cat uses their litter box, the higher the need will be to switch out this highly used litter box for a new, cleaner box. Heavily used litter boxes will harbor potential odors from your cat’s pee and poop that seeps to the bottom of the pan of the litter box and emits an odor into the air. Also, when your cat scratches at the box to bury their waste, it will leave an ideal place for bacteria to hide out and build up an odor onto – which will add to the need to switch out the litter box, at least every year.3.) Add More Cat Litter Boxes

4.) Do a Frequent Litter Box Clean
Something that is often neglected when it comes to the litter box is doing a proper cleaning of the box at least every month. A proper litter box cleaning will consist of emptying the litter out of the box and cleaning the box with soap and water to remove excess odors from the box itself. DO NOT use bleach or other harmful cleaning agents that can produce toxins into the air when mixed with the ammonia found in cat urine. Once you are done cleaning the litter box, add fresh litter to it and it is ready for your cats use.5.) Ventilate Cat Area
Location, location, location! The area that you put your cat’s litter box can make a world of difference when it comes to proper ventilation of these odors. A small confined space will absorb the odor and leave a retched odor in the environment. Whereas if you place the litter box in a spot that has a lot of ventilation, it will help reduce the odors in your home that are caused by the litter box.6.) Eliminate Litter Box Smell – Baking Soda in Cat Litter
When it comes to litter box smells, sometimes the odors will just be too strong to deal with and will require the use of a strong litter box odor eliminator to eradicate the odors. A common go-to product for odor elimination that many people want to use is baking soda, which is a known natural deodorizer. However, when it comes to a litter box, the baking soda will not completely remove all traces of the odor and will only work on half the odors. If you are looking to accomplish a full elimination of litter box smells it will be necessary to use a highly effective litter box odor eliminator.Litter Additive for Litter Box Odor Elimination
Let’s be honest, removing cat urine odor is an issue that every cat owner must endure but with OdorKlenz Pet Litter Additive you will spend less time cleaning and more time with your furry friend. The OdorKlenz technology is a patented earth mineral process that is able to effectively break down and neutralize chemicals and noxious odors upon contact, leaving you with no added chemicals or fragrances. The OdorKlenz Pet Litter Additive is easy to use and works rapidly upon contact into the cat litter box. Sprinkle one scoop of the litter additive into your litter box and mix into the litter to leave your litter box with a little added help to neutralize and expel putrid cat odors from the box. This will leave your cat litter box smelling fresh for longer and preserve the life of the litter within your cat’s bathroom.