Perusing the racks of your clothes closet you are overwhelmed by the strong smell that is emanating from your clothing fabrics that hang in front of your face. The smell may come as a surprise or it may be a constantly battled problem that you face with your clothing materials. Clothing can obtain odors from a variety of factors such as from dirty washing machines, stinky dryers, and even from everyday exposure that our clothing fabrics face during the day that will contribute to musty odors. And there is nothing worse than going through (what some people label as) a tedious washing process only to be left with clothing that still smell funky, with a noticeable musty smell.
Musty or mildew odors are two of the worst scents to taint clothing garments, and when the fabric of your clothes takes on this smell it will sometimes lead people to discarding these items for good. However, before you go throwing away your musty smelling wardrobe it’s important to learn what could be causing your clothes to turn into this musty aroma, how you can stop this from happening to your other fabric materials, and solutions to remediate the tainted musty wardrobe you currently own.
In this article we are going to dive deep into how to stop clothes from smelling musty in your wardrobe and learn ways to stop your clothing materials from obtaining musty/mildew smells in the future.
What is Mildew Laundry Smell

After you complete a load of laundry, one of the first things that I do myself is smell the clothes to give it my clean stamp of approval – as I look for the clean, fragrant scent of my laundry detergent to emanate from the fibers of the clothing. However, what if you go to smell your completed laundry only to be shocked by the smell of musty, mildew scent that provides your clothes with anything but a clean aroma. Mildew laundry is something that most people have likely dealt with at some point, and therefore the smell of mildew will be one that is commonly identified.
Mildew is an odor that is recognizable and will usually take on what will be identified as an old smell that will have a sour aroma to it when it latched onto materials – like clothing, linens, and towels. The presence of mildew and mildew smell will become an issue if not dealt with on the onset due to its inherent ability of this fungus to form into mold overtime. Mildew/mold are funguses that thrive in warm, humid, moist, and dark environments, and typically our washing machines and our clothes that we hang wet in a sealed, dark closets or drawers will be the ideal places for this mildew to develop, and this will lead to the mildew laundry smell on clothing garments.
Why Do My Clothes Smell Musty
The worst smell when it comes to laundry is that strong, sour smell of mustiness that can develop on your clothing – and this odor can develop from a number of sources. The simplest of laundry mistakes can lead to the production of this musty odor on your clothes – from placing sweaty, wet clothes in the hamper, leaving clothes in the washing machine for too long, adding too much detergent in the wash cycle, or even having a dirty washing machine that is harboring mildew/mold within its confinement. Usually, if your clothes smell it’s because of one of those four reasons.
The process of determining what the root cause is behind your musty smelling clothes is something that may be a complex problem that will require a lot of detective work. This may require you to experiment with your laundry, whether that be changing the amount of detergent you put into each wash cycle, doing a quick self-cleaning of your washing machine, or even taking the time to immediately do your laundry after you are done wearing wet or sweaty clothing. All of these things will need to be assessed to determine the actual problem that is causing your musty smelling clothes.
Clothes Smell Musty After Washing
Musty smelling clothes that come right out of the washing machine is something that every person dread, and which leaves them back to square one with their attempts of cleaning their clothing a waste. Why do some wash cycles produce clothes that smell musty? As we said previously, it could be from an overabundance of laundry detergent used in the cycle, from a contaminated dirty washing machine, or maybe perhaps it’s your own doing since you left wet clothing in the washer a little longer than you should have. Whatever the case may be, it has caused your clothing to come out with that musty smell that will taint all your clothing fibers and leave you searching for a solution to this musty odor problem on your materials.
How Long Can Clothes Sit in the Washer

Accidents happen, and sometimes you will run a load of laundry at night and completely forget about it until the next night comes around – this will leave you with a load of laundry that contains that sour mildew smell. This will leave you having to re-run the washing machine to try to expel the mildew smell, and in some cases the smell will remain on your clothes even after you attempt another washing of the clothes. Therefore, it is important to know a general timeframe of when you will have to switch over your wet clothes to the dryer. According to testing and reports, it was found that your clothes should sit in the washer for no longer than 8 to 12 hours, as any longer than that they will start to produce a mildew odor on the fibers.
The best way to determine if your laundry is okay after it has been sitting in your washing machine for hours after its initial washing is to do the ‘smell test’. The
mildew smell in clothes will be immediately noticeable, and this will be your indicator that it’s necessary to re-wash these clothing. As well as it may be necessary to use a laundry additive to help combat these mildew odors that have developed on the clothing fibers.
Washing Machine Smells Musty
One of the most probable causes of musty smelling clothes in your wardrobe is likely due to your washing machine. Washing machines are designed to work to clean fabric materials like clothing, linens, towels, and other fabrics within this appliance. However, although these washing machines work to clean fabrics, they are very infrequently cleaned themselves. Washing machines may only be washed every year or so in many cases, and this is becoming insufficient after the new heavy use of front load washing machines.

Front load washing machines work differently than a traditional top load washer because it uses less water and it can easily trap body soil, detergent, and other dirt and debris in the rubber gasket of the door of this washing machine. These front load problems will lead to mildew and/or mold development in the washing machine that will create that unwanted mildew/musty smell. When a washing machine has mildew or mold within the inside of this appliance it will ultimately spread onto the clothing that you wash in this home washing machine. Therefore, it is important to properly clean your washing machine every couple months with a
non-toxic washing machine deodorizer that will work against the musty/mildew odors harbored in this appliance.
Dryer Smells Musty
It’s common to experience a musty/mildew smell in your washing machine, but when it comes to your dryer you may find it shocking to deal with this musty problem as well. This musty smell in a dryer could be caused by wet clothes that were left in the dryer without running it or even from the buildup of lint in the dryer that can be producing this odor. Therefore, it is important to run your dryer immediately when you place the clothes into this appliance rather than letting it sit in the dryer wet to cause musty smells, as well as frequently cleaning out the lint in the dryer every time you finish a dry cycle.
How to Get Rid of Mold Smell in Clothes
After washing your clothes or allowing your clothes to hang dry the moldy/musty smell has slowly crept onto your fabrics and tainted the fibers of your clothing fabrics. You may have tried to wash your clothes repeatedly following this musty smell invasion on your clothes, with no results or remediation of this odor on your fabrics. Washing your clothes repeatedly with detergent may not be the best thing for your clothing’s material and it may actually do more harm to the fibers of the material than good when it comes to eradicating odors. So, it will be important to learn
how to get rid of mold smell in your clothes, and fast! Thus, it may be necessary to utilize a more powerful solution to remove odors from the clothes like a laundry odor removing additive.

OdorKlenz Laundry Additive is a popular laundry care odor solution that can be used on a variety of materials to properly and effectively neutralize various odors stuck within clothing fibers. The proprietary OdorKlenz technology uses a patented, non-toxic earth minerals that will work to capture, contain, and neutralize odors upon contact, allowing the technology to easily disperse and work within a washing machine to eradicate fabric odors. Unlike other odor neutralizing laundry care products, OdorKlenz does not use chemicals, masking agents, or any harmful ingredients that can taint the clothing with an alternative scent. Rather the OdorKlenz technology actually works to take the odors and break them down completely leaving you with a clean smell on your clothes without masking agents. The application is simple, place the OdorKlenz Laundry Additive in your wash load with unscented detergent on a warm, high agitation cycle to allow the technology to effectively work to eradicate the unwanted musty odors on your clothes completelyPerusing the racks of your clothes closet you are overwhelmed by the strong smell that is emanating from your clothing fabrics that hang in front of your face. The smell may come as a surprise or it may be a constantly battled problem that you face with your clothing materials. Clothing can obtain odors from a variety of factors such as from dirty washing machines, stinky dryers, and even from everyday exposure that our clothing fabrics face during the day that will contribute to musty odors. And there is nothing worse than going through (what some people label as) a tedious washing process only to be left with clothing that still smell funky, with a noticeable musty smell.
Musty or mildew odors are two of the worst scents to taint clothing garments, and when the fabric of your clothes takes on this smell it will sometimes lead people to discarding these items for good. However, before you go throwing away your musty smelling wardrobe it’s important to learn what could be causing your clothes to turn into this musty aroma, how you can stop this from happening to your other fabric materials, and solutions to remediate the tainted musty wardrobe you currently own.
In this article we are going to dive deep into how to stop clothes from smelling musty in your wardrobe and learn ways to stop your clothing materials from obtaining musty/mildew smells in the future.
What is Mildew Laundry Smell

After you complete a load of laundry, one of the first things that I do myself is smell the clothes to give it my clean stamp of approval – as I look for the clean, fragrant scent of my laundry detergent to emanate from the fibers of the clothing. However, what if you go to smell your completed laundry only to be shocked by the smell of musty, mildew scent that provides your clothes with anything but a clean aroma. Mildew laundry is something that most people have likely dealt with at some point, and therefore the smell of mildew will be one that is commonly identified.
Mildew is an odor that is recognizable and will usually take on what will be identified as an old smell that will have a sour aroma to it when it latched onto materials – like clothing, linens, and towels. The presence of mildew and mildew smell will become an issue if not dealt with on the onset due to its inherent ability of this fungus to form into mold overtime. Mildew/mold are funguses that thrive in warm, humid, moist, and dark environments, and typically our washing machines and our clothes that we hang wet in a sealed, dark closets or drawers will be the ideal places for this mildew to develop, and this will lead to the mildew laundry smell on clothing garments.
Why Do My Clothes Smell Musty
The worst smell when it comes to laundry is that strong, sour smell of mustiness that can develop on your clothing – and this odor can develop from a number of sources. The simplest of laundry mistakes can lead to the production of this musty odor on your clothes – from placing sweaty, wet clothes in the hamper, leaving clothes in the washing machine for too long, adding too much detergent in the wash cycle, or even having a dirty washing machine that is harboring mildew/mold within its confinement. Usually, if your clothes smell it’s because of one of those four reasons.
The process of determining what the root cause is behind your musty smelling clothes is something that may be a complex problem that will require a lot of detective work. This may require you to experiment with your laundry, whether that be changing the amount of detergent you put into each wash cycle, doing a quick self-cleaning of your washing machine, or even taking the time to immediately do your laundry after you are done wearing wet or sweaty clothing. All of these things will need to be assessed to determine the actual problem that is causing your musty smelling clothes.
Clothes Smell Musty After Washing
Musty smelling clothes that come right out of the washing machine is something that every person dread, and which leaves them back to square one with their attempts of cleaning their clothing a waste. Why do some wash cycles produce clothes that smell musty? As we said previously, it could be from an overabundance of laundry detergent used in the cycle, from a contaminated dirty washing machine, or maybe perhaps it’s your own doing since you left wet clothing in the washer a little longer than you should have. Whatever the case may be, it has caused your clothing to come out with that musty smell that will taint all your clothing fibers and leave you searching for a solution to this musty odor problem on your materials.
How Long Can Clothes Sit in the Washer

Accidents happen, and sometimes you will run a load of laundry at night and completely forget about it until the next night comes around – this will leave you with a load of laundry that contains that sour mildew smell. This will leave you having to re-run the washing machine to try to expel the mildew smell, and in some cases the smell will remain on your clothes even after you attempt another washing of the clothes. Therefore, it is important to know a general timeframe of when you will have to switch over your wet clothes to the dryer. According to testing and reports, it was found that your clothes should sit in the washer for no longer than 8 to 12 hours, as any longer than that they will start to produce a mildew odor on the fibers.
The best way to determine if your laundry is okay after it has been sitting in your washing machine for hours after its initial washing is to do the ‘smell test’. The
mildew smell in clothes will be immediately noticeable, and this will be your indicator that it’s necessary to re-wash these clothing. As well as it may be necessary to use a laundry additive to help combat these mildew odors that have developed on the clothing fibers.
Washing Machine Smells Musty
One of the most probable causes of musty smelling clothes in your wardrobe is likely due to your washing machine. Washing machines are designed to work to clean fabric materials like clothing, linens, towels, and other fabrics within this appliance. However, although these washing machines work to clean fabrics, they are very infrequently cleaned themselves. Washing machines may only be washed every year or so in many cases, and this is becoming insufficient after the new heavy use of front load washing machines.

Front load washing machines work differently than a traditional top load washer because it uses less water and it can easily trap body soil, detergent, and other dirt and debris in the rubber gasket of the door of this washing machine. These front load problems will lead to mildew and/or mold development in the washing machine that will create that unwanted mildew/musty smell. When a washing machine has mildew or mold within the inside of this appliance it will ultimately spread onto the clothing that you wash in this home washing machine. Therefore, it is important to properly clean your washing machine every couple months with a
non-toxic washing machine deodorizer that will work against the musty/mildew odors harbored in this appliance.
Dryer Smells Musty
It’s common to experience a musty/mildew smell in your washing machine, but when it comes to your dryer you may find it shocking to deal with this musty problem as well. This musty smell in a dryer could be caused by wet clothes that were left in the dryer without running it or even from the buildup of lint in the dryer that can be producing this odor. Therefore, it is important to run your dryer immediately when you place the clothes into this appliance rather than letting it sit in the dryer wet to cause musty smells, as well as frequently cleaning out the lint in the dryer every time you finish a dry cycle.
How to Get Rid of Mold Smell in Clothes
After washing your clothes or allowing your clothes to hang dry the moldy/musty smell has slowly crept onto your fabrics and tainted the fibers of your clothing fabrics. You may have tried to wash your clothes repeatedly following this musty smell invasion on your clothes, with no results or remediation of this odor on your fabrics. Washing your clothes repeatedly with detergent may not be the best thing for your clothing’s material and it may actually do more harm to the fibers of the material than good when it comes to eradicating odors. So, it will be important to learn
how to get rid of mold smell in your clothes, and fast! Thus, it may be necessary to utilize a more powerful solution to remove odors from the clothes like a laundry odor removing additive.

OdorKlenz Laundry Additive is a popular laundry care odor solution that can be used on a variety of materials to properly and effectively neutralize various odors stuck within clothing fibers. The proprietary OdorKlenz technology uses a patented, non-toxic earth minerals that will work to capture, contain, and neutralize odors upon contact, allowing the technology to easily disperse and work within a washing machine to eradicate fabric odors. Unlike other odor neutralizing laundry care products, OdorKlenz does not use chemicals, masking agents, or any harmful ingredients that can taint the clothing with an alternative scent. Rather the OdorKlenz technology actually works to take the odors and break them down completely leaving you with a clean smell on your clothes without masking agents. The application is simple, place the OdorKlenz Laundry Additive in your wash load with unscented detergent on a warm, high agitation cycle to allow the technology to effectively work to eradicate the unwanted musty odors on your clothes completely
Perusing the racks of your clothes closet you are overwhelmed by the strong smell that is emanating from your clothing fabrics that hang in front of your face. The smell may come as a surprise or it may be a constantly battled problem that you face with your clothing materials. Clothing can obtain odors from a variety of factors such as from dirty washing machines, stinky dryers, and even from everyday exposure that our clothing fabrics face during the day that will contribute to musty odors. And there is nothing worse than going through (what some people label as) a tedious washing process only to be left with clothing that still smell funky, with a noticeable musty smell.
Musty or mildew odors are two of the worst scents to taint clothing garments, and when the fabric of your clothes takes on this smell it will sometimes lead people to discarding these items for good. However, before you go throwing away your musty smelling wardrobe it’s important to learn what could be causing your clothes to turn into this musty aroma, how you can stop this from happening to your other fabric materials, and solutions to remediate the tainted musty wardrobe you currently own.
In this article we are going to dive deep into how to stop clothes from smelling musty in your wardrobe and learn ways to stop your clothing materials from obtaining musty/mildew smells in the future.
What is Mildew Laundry Smell

After you complete a load of laundry, one of the first things that I do myself is smell the clothes to give it my clean stamp of approval – as I look for the clean, fragrant scent of my laundry detergent to emanate from the fibers of the clothing. However, what if you go to smell your completed laundry only to be shocked by the smell of musty, mildew scent that provides your clothes with anything but a clean aroma. Mildew laundry is something that most people have likely dealt with at some point, and therefore the smell of mildew will be one that is commonly identified.
Mildew is an odor that is recognizable and will usually take on what will be identified as an old smell that will have a sour aroma to it when it latched onto materials – like clothing, linens, and towels. The presence of mildew and mildew smell will become an issue if not dealt with on the onset due to its inherent ability of this fungus to form into mold overtime. Mildew/mold are funguses that thrive in warm, humid, moist, and dark environments, and typically our washing machines and our clothes that we hang wet in a sealed, dark closets or drawers will be the ideal places for this mildew to develop, and this will lead to the mildew laundry smell on clothing garments.
Why Do My Clothes Smell Musty
The worst smell when it comes to laundry is that strong, sour smell of mustiness that can develop on your clothing – and this odor can develop from a number of sources. The simplest of laundry mistakes can lead to the production of this musty odor on your clothes – from placing sweaty, wet clothes in the hamper, leaving clothes in the washing machine for too long, adding too much detergent in the wash cycle, or even having a dirty washing machine that is harboring mildew/mold within its confinement. Usually, if your clothes smell it’s because of one of those four reasons.
The process of determining what the root cause is behind your musty smelling clothes is something that may be a complex problem that will require a lot of detective work. This may require you to experiment with your laundry, whether that be changing the amount of detergent you put into each wash cycle, doing a quick self-cleaning of your washing machine, or even taking the time to immediately do your laundry after you are done wearing wet or sweaty clothing. All of these things will need to be assessed to determine the actual problem that is causing your musty smelling clothes.
Clothes Smell Musty After Washing
Musty smelling clothes that come right out of the washing machine is something that every person dread, and which leaves them back to square one with their attempts of cleaning their clothing a waste. Why do some wash cycles produce clothes that smell musty? As we said previously, it could be from an overabundance of laundry detergent used in the cycle, from a contaminated dirty washing machine, or maybe perhaps it’s your own doing since you left wet clothing in the washer a little longer than you should have. Whatever the case may be, it has caused your clothing to come out with that musty smell that will taint all your clothing fibers and leave you searching for a solution to this musty odor problem on your materials.
How Long Can Clothes Sit in the Washer

Accidents happen, and sometimes you will run a load of laundry at night and completely forget about it until the next night comes around – this will leave you with a load of laundry that contains that sour mildew smell. This will leave you having to re-run the washing machine to try to expel the mildew smell, and in some cases the smell will remain on your clothes even after you attempt another washing of the clothes. Therefore, it is important to know a general timeframe of when you will have to switch over your wet clothes to the dryer. According to testing and reports, it was found that your clothes should sit in the washer for no longer than 8 to 12 hours, as any longer than that they will start to produce a mildew odor on the fibers.
The best way to determine if your laundry is okay after it has been sitting in your washing machine for hours after its initial washing is to do the ‘smell test’. The
mildew smell in clothes will be immediately noticeable, and this will be your indicator that it’s necessary to re-wash these clothing. As well as it may be necessary to use a laundry additive to help combat these mildew odors that have developed on the clothing fibers.
Washing Machine Smells Musty
One of the most probable causes of musty smelling clothes in your wardrobe is likely due to your washing machine. Washing machines are designed to work to clean fabric materials like clothing, linens, towels, and other fabrics within this appliance. However, although these washing machines work to clean fabrics, they are very infrequently cleaned themselves. Washing machines may only be washed every year or so in many cases, and this is becoming insufficient after the new heavy use of front load washing machines.

Front load washing machines work differently than a traditional top load washer because it uses less water and it can easily trap body soil, detergent, and other dirt and debris in the rubber gasket of the door of this washing machine. These front load problems will lead to mildew and/or mold development in the washing machine that will create that unwanted mildew/musty smell. When a washing machine has mildew or mold within the inside of this appliance it will ultimately spread onto the clothing that you wash in this home washing machine. Therefore, it is important to properly clean your washing machine every couple months with a
non-toxic washing machine deodorizer that will work against the musty/mildew odors harbored in this appliance.
Dryer Smells Musty
It’s common to experience a musty/mildew smell in your washing machine, but when it comes to your dryer you may find it shocking to deal with this musty problem as well. This musty smell in a dryer could be caused by wet clothes that were left in the dryer without running it or even from the buildup of lint in the dryer that can be producing this odor. Therefore, it is important to run your dryer immediately when you place the clothes into this appliance rather than letting it sit in the dryer wet to cause musty smells, as well as frequently cleaning out the lint in the dryer every time you finish a dry cycle.
How to Get Rid of Mold Smell in Clothes
After washing your clothes or allowing your clothes to hang dry the moldy/musty smell has slowly crept onto your fabrics and tainted the fibers of your clothing fabrics. You may have tried to wash your clothes repeatedly following this musty smell invasion on your clothes, with no results or remediation of this odor on your fabrics. Washing your clothes repeatedly with detergent may not be the best thing for your clothing’s material and it may actually do more harm to the fibers of the material than good when it comes to eradicating odors. So, it will be important to learn
how to get rid of mold smell in your clothes, and fast! Thus, it may be necessary to utilize a more powerful solution to remove odors from the clothes like a laundry odor removing additive.

OdorKlenz Laundry Additive is a popular laundry care odor solution that can be used on a variety of materials to properly and effectively neutralize various odors stuck within clothing fibers. The proprietary OdorKlenz technology uses a patented, non-toxic earth minerals that will work to capture, contain, and neutralize odors upon contact, allowing the technology to easily disperse and work within a washing machine to eradicate fabric odors. Unlike other odor neutralizing laundry care products, OdorKlenz does not use chemicals, masking agents, or any harmful ingredients that can taint the clothing with an alternative scent. Rather the OdorKlenz technology actually works to take the odors and break them down completely leaving you with a clean smell on your clothes without masking agents. The application is simple, place the OdorKlenz Laundry Additive in your wash load with unscented detergent on a warm, high agitation cycle to allow the technology to effectively work to eradicate the unwanted musty odors on your clothes completely
Laundry Liquid
$14.99 - $24.99
✓ Made of Safe, Natural earth minerals that provide a complete odor elimination on fabrics
✓ Fast acting, without the use of masking agents or fragrances
✓ Safe to use on all washing machine types include HE washers
✓ Can be used on all washable fabrics including moisture-wicking, spandex, polyester, rayon, and wool.