Why Does My Sink Smell Like Sewage?
July 15, 2019 | Blog, Cooking odor removal, Remove mildew smell, Uncategorized
The dishes are piling up and you have been putting off cleaning them for far too long, which is indicated by the strong smell emanating from the sink in your kitchen. Okay, so you only left the dishes overnight but still it can be long enough to create a buildup of odors that will spread throughout the whole area of your kitchen and even the surrounding areas close to this space. There are several factors of a smelly kitchen; strong cooking odors from food that you recently made on the stove top or in the stove, dirty dishes that you left in the sink for far too long, garbage in the garbage can in your kitchen, and even a hidden source of the sink drains that have harbored food remnants and other debris that has created a foul odor that has made its mark on your kitchen.
Think about all the things that go down your sink disposal – grease, food debris, liquids, and other items that can taint the odor inside of your sink disposal which in turn will spread to your home’s sink. This odor will spread and flood your home’s air, leaving behind a smell that will be quite noticeable throughout your indoor air.
In this article we are going to discuss the reasons behind why your sink smells and the best drain odor eliminator to get rid of sink smell in your home’s sink drains.
Are you familiar with the strong, unwelcomed smell of rotten eggs that can invade your kitchen sink? That sulfur rotten egg odor is typically caused by Sulphur deposits in the sink that will produce this horrible odor into your home’s air. Anything from food deposits, to grease buildup, hair collection, and other debris can enter into your drain and result in the odorous smells that emanate from this household item. The sulfur egg smell is released from the drain as a gas that usually gives the gaseous substance that rotten egg odor.
When a sulfur smell is freed from drainage pipes inside your home, you may be concerned with the immediate threats that the odor presents to your home’s air space. Is this sulfur smell potentially dangerous to your indoor air quality, and most importantly your health? The health risks of sulfur gas are present from this substance due to the origin of the gas from bacteria – and when this gas is inhaled within a small confined air space the risks can be even heightened to human health.
Cooking is a very messy task that many of us undertake each and every day, and following this task is an even more daunting task of cleaning up the messy dishes from your cooking escapades. During this clean-up process it can lead to the pouring of grease into the drain, which is one of the most common reasons for a kitchen sink to acquire a rotten egg and moldy smell.
Grease or fat that gets stuck in the drainage of your sink will begin to decompose and produce a smell that can make its way back into your home. It is best to try to avoid this situation, to help reduce odors that are produced in your kitchen sink.
Food debris and scraps are prone to getting pushed down and stuck into the disposal, and when they collect on the blades of the disposal it can create that garbage disposal smells inside your home that smells like rotten eggs. After you place food down the drain it is important to run the water faucet over the garbage disposal for at least 30 seconds to help wash out old food scraps from the disposal.
If an odor has built up due to food collection on the blades, try placing some ice cubes through the disposal to help knock off the stuck-on food from the blades.
My Kitchen Sink Smells Like Rotten Eggs

Stinky Sink Drains to Blame...
As smells emanate from your home’s sinks – whether it be in your kitchen, in your laundry room, or in the bathrooms in your home, the main culprit of this odor is typically from stinky sink drains. The drains that connect to the sinks act as a waste bucket that will accumulate every and all substances and debris that finds its way down the drainage system. Therefore, when an odor starts to become increasingly noticeable in these areas of your home, and specifically in your sink, the likely cause of the odorous scent is the sink drains.Why Does My Kitchen Sink Smell
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale, Exhale. The foul pungent odor hits your nasal passages and begins to elicit a reaction of sneezing and coughing as soon as it is recognized. There can be several different reasons behind why this stinky odor is being released from your kitchen sink – especially when you think about all the things that you unsuspectingly throw down the drain. Below we are going to discuss the reasons as to why your kitchen sink smells so bad.
1.) Buildup of Grease in Drains
Cooking is a very messy task that many of us undertake each and every day, and following this task is an even more daunting task of cleaning up the messy dishes from your cooking escapades. During this clean-up process it can lead to the pouring of grease into the drain, which is one of the most common reasons for a kitchen sink to acquire a rotten egg and moldy smell.
Grease or fat that gets stuck in the drainage of your sink will begin to decompose and produce a smell that can make its way back into your home. It is best to try to avoid this situation, to help reduce odors that are produced in your kitchen sink.
2.) No Drain Trap
The drain trap is an essential component to your drain that helps to combat invading odors that can be emitted from your drainage system in your home. If you have recently installed a new sink or drain line, you may have forgotten to properly install a drain trap along with this new appliance. This will trigger the odor issues, as there will be nothing in the drain system to prevent the smell from the sewer from getting into your home. The best solution is to have a drain trap properly placed into you sink drainage to minimize and/or eliminate the sewage smell from coming into the home through the sink.3.) Dirty Garbage Disposal

4.) Unused Drain
Inside of a sink drain there is a trap that is designed to capture and prevent sewer gas from coming up through the drain system and into the home. The U-shaped pipe contains the water, however, when it hasn’t been used for a long duration of time it can lead to an evaporation of water into the trap that will spread into the home as a gas that will produce an odor into the air. Be sure to consistently run the water in your sink to reduce this unwanted odor from rising to the top of the drainage in your home.How to Get Rid of Sink Smell
Sink drains in our homes are put through quite the test, as they are rigorously used each day to effectively break down and remove remnants and debris from the sink. Food particles, grease, and other not so lovely items are pushed from our sinks into the disposal in hopes that it is gone from the home – including the smell. However, sometimes the odors will enter into your home from your sink drain and impact the odor in the indoor air space drastically.How can you properly get rid of sink smell and is this process one that is quickly accomplished?
Drain Odor Eliminator
Sinks and disposals are notorious for harboring foul odors, and removing these odors is not always an easy task. There are a variety of tricks and methods that are used to try to combat these tough drain odors including hot water and dish soap, lemon peels, and even vinegar that is placed into the sink drain to eliminate the smells. However, to properly and completely prevent these odors from developing inside your sinks drains you will need to use a proprietary product designed for odor elimination like OdorKlenz. OdorKlenz Sink & Disposal Cleaner & Deodorizer consists of simple, safe, and naturally powerful ingredients that are designed to clean and deodorize foul smelling sinks and drains in your home. The patented odor eliminating technology used by OdorKlenz is able to work deep into the source to break down and/or eliminate the odors completely, with no odor a match for this technology. The easy application only requires 1/3 cup of the product placed down the sink or disposal to properly work to neutralize and remove the foul odors from the smelly sink.